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If you’re an employer, the idea of finding the “perfect candidate” likely resonates with you. Whether you’re filling a vacant position due to growth, turnover, or expansion, the goal is often to find someone who is a jack of all trades, with the experience and expertise to meet every requirement listed in the job description.

However, this expectation is rarely realistic. Think of hiring like dating—we often have an ideal in mind, but how do we know who “the one” is if we’ve never met them? Is this perfect candidate even out there? This doesn’t mean you can’t find great candidates; it just means that you might need to adjust your expectations before making a final decision on a candidate’s qualifications.

The solution isn’t to lower your standards, but to refine them. A candidate who could be an excellent fit might be discouraged or even intimidated by a long list of required skills and responsibilities. Fortunately, you can still find the ideal candidate for your role by focusing on a few key strategies.

1. Assess What You Have

Start by evaluating the skills, qualifications, and characteristics that your top performers share. Are there any common traits or experiences that stand out? These overlapping qualities are an excellent starting point and serve as a baseline for evaluating new candidates. If an applicant lacks these core attributes, they might not be the right fit for your team.

2. Give Room to Learn

What if you find a strong candidate who doesn’t check every box? Consider whether they have the capacity and drive to learn. Is there room for them to grow into the role? A candidate who is eager to develop new skills and take on challenges can become a valuable long-term asset to your team. Remember, job descriptions—and the skills required to fulfill them—are constantly evolving. Giving candidates the opportunity to prove themselves can pay off in the future.

3. Prioritize Company Culture Compatibility

One aspect that’s often overlooked is how well a candidate will fit within your company culture. Even the most skilled professional may struggle if they don’t mesh with your team. Assess their enthusiasm, curiosity, and the types of questions they ask during the interview process. These can be strong indicators of whether they’ll thrive in your work environment.

It’s also worth reflecting on your current all-star employees. Were they perfect when they started, or did they learn and grow along the way? Keep this perspective in mind as you screen new candidates.

4. Aim for the Ideal, Not Perfection

Finally, ask yourself: if the “perfect candidate” does exist, what guarantees they’ll apply for your job? You could spend countless hours searching for an elusive perfect match and never find them. Instead, focus on finding someone who is a self-starter, dependable, and eager to get things done. Often, these are the candidates who bring unexpected strengths to your team and grow into the role over time.

In 2024, it’s more important than ever to recognize and cultivate potential. By aiming for the ideal rather than perfection, you might discover a wealth of overlooked talent ready to make a significant impact on your organization.