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Do you find yourself falling out of love with your job? Although we might feel guilty for feeling unfulfilled while even having a job, it’s important to love what you do or at least the major career aspects. Besides, work takes up most of your day – so you want to make the most of it.

Whether you feel underappreciated, a lack of purpose, or an inability to feel accomplished amid distractions – you deserve to be happy in your career. Here are some ways to light a spark or rekindle it and fall back in love with your job:


Invest in Your Skills

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One way to generate new sparks in your job is to become an expert at what you do. Not only does this improve your chances for raises and promotions, but research suggests that becoming good at your job increases motivation and self-worth. It’s important for us to feel motivated in our jobs so create goals you would like to achieve and specify the skills you will need to improve or add in order to achieve them.

Consider investing in e-learning, which is an efficient and convenient way to improve skills at your own pace, but make sure to choose courses with good content that will help you achieve your growth goals and not just satisfy learning credits. You are worth the investment!

Building yourself will not only give you a sense of achievement in your workplace, but it can also trickle into your personal life as a renewed sense of confidence.


Switch Up Your Routine

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Is your routine becoming stagnant? We’ve all heard Albert Einstein’s famous line: “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” So why should we expect our workday routine to be any different?

Regardless if you’re working from home or in the office, it’s important to take breaks. In fact, it’s proven to enhance productivity by treating yourself with some breaktime to recharge after every hour and a half of productivity.

If you are full-time in the office, consider negotiating to work once a week from home. Doing so can help you switch up your work environment and cut your commute time significantly.


Know Your Purpose

Working Towards Happiness

Too often we go into a job without knowing what our purpose is. If we do not know what that is – how can we stay motivated?

If you can understand what your “why” is, it will be significantly easier for you to ensure that you’re dedicating your valuable time to the most meaningful projects. This, of course, will also give you a clearer focus on where you want to take your career.


Collaborate With Peers of Different Levels

Working Towards Happiness

Thinking out of the box may sound cliche – but is essential if you want to grow. One way to do so is by changing your perspective and collaborating with different minds.

Pick the brains of your coworkers with more years of experience or newer hires as well. Having a diverse and collaborative background will make the workplace more dynamic and engaging.


It’s time to fall back in love with your job. But keep in mind that great things don’t happen overnight and begin with your first step. By being proactive and taking initiative, you can make your time at work feel both enjoyable and meaningful. And of course, you will need to be diligent in maintaining this mindset to get optimal results that last. You can do it!